Monday, August 26, 2013

RamarpaNam 353 -> 356.

Jai Sri Ram.
Rama rebukes LakshmaNa and laments for Seetha :
Seeing LakshmaNa approaching Him, Rama asked in His own anguish as to why he came off, leaving Seetha alone. LakshmaNa replied saying that he did not come of his own but driven by the hurtful words of Seetha.
Rama still maintained that it is improper for LakshmaNa to have left Seetha alone, suggesting that one should not mind the harsh words of somebody who is near and dear either chidingly or casting aspersions on him, in essence he should have evinced keenness not to flout His words of guard on Her.
Seeing the empty home, the cottage devoid of Seetha, Rama rushed to the conclusion that Seetha might be stolen or slain by grudging demons or else She is gone to pick flowers, fruits or She is away to the river to fetch water. Rama ran madly from tree to shrub, from hill to hillock, from river to rivulet, and going around them He wailed crying for Seetha.
Whether Rama's weeping like a commoner is real or an act of Maaya by the God, is much debatable. But does not any way go against the kaavya Naayaka lakshaNa brightening the romantic input towards the kaavya Nayaki Seetha.
LakshmaNa who unusual to such situations remained calm and composed and under his advice both embarked on a thorough search for Seetha in the entire forest, its mountains and lake sides, Though both were desperate for seeing Seetha, though highly anguished and agonised, bewailing in many ways could not find Janaka's daughter, Seetha.
''I have come to forests with Seetha and have to go back to Ayodhya without Seetha. People will denounce me as a vigour less and pitiless person. On seeing me without Seetha the king of Videha will be perturbed. Instead, I prefer not to go to the city of Ayodhya that is ruled by Bharata. Hence, Lakshmana, you go back to that city of Ayodhya forsaking me in forests, because I have no existence without Seetha'' -- so lamenting Rama is continually encouraged by LakshmaNa for a thorough search without submitting to anguish.
Rama is believed to be the answer for the deluge of sorrow in others. When Rama Himself is engulfed in sorrow who will come to His rescue? When the milky ocean was churned, Sri Mahalakshmi incarnated. Now it appears as though Rama in the fond hope of finding Seetha is churning the ocean of sorrow in Him.
Deprived of the kingdom, He departed from His own people. Then His father Dasaratha departed and He had to detach from His mother, and now Seetha. When all these setbacks are deeply thought they hastily replenish Rama's agony, like the waves in an ocean.
While searching near the riverside of Godhavari, Rama gets reminded of the playfully tease Seetha made of Him in their swimming sport. Pointing a stone surface He drew the attention of LakshmaNa as to how Seetha sitting very close to Him on that stone's surface, sporting broad smiles made fun frolic against Him in the company of LakshmaNa.
Rama, in fact wantonly gave the lead to Seetha, by holding His breath under the water longer than required simply for the elation of it. After all He is the one who relishes to concede victory to His devotees, as evidenced in Beeshma's instance too.
Despite LakshmaNa's efforts to lift the spirit of Rama encouraging Him to banish anguish and brace endurance, Rama gave no heed to it and He encountered anguish continually.

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