Tuesday, August 6, 2013

RamarpaNam 337-> 342

Jai Sri Ram.
Ravana abducts Seetha.
Seetha having heard the loud voice of Rama urges Lakshmana to hurry near his brother, who is seeking protection.She spoke a lot to him in this way, Lakshmana on his part has not moved out remembering his brother's order to stay guard to Seetha. Lakshmana tries to pacify her but in vain.
Seetha falters rebuking Lakshmana and by attributing malafide intent of attaining Her in connivance with Bharata who usurped the Kingdom from Rama and he His wife.
She is guilty of two offences. One in respect of Rama in the form of ''Bhagavath apacharam'' , when she fixes Her desire on the Golden Deer while Her affection should be to Rama alone.
Now she commits another offence in respect of Lakshmana in the form of ''BhAgavath apacharam'' abusing him in words unpalatable to the ears. So to say ''kEtpAr sevi sudu keezhmai vasavugaL''
The reason for Her separation from Rama on account of the abduction by Ravana is the result of ''Bhagavath apacharam'' and the second time She endures separation at Sage Valmiki's hermitage after bearing Lav and Kush is again the result of ''BhAgavath apacharam'' , elders say.
The third separation happens when She leaves for good to Vishnu Loka by entering the yawning earths'' chasm ultimately marking the end of Her Avatar as Seetha.
It may look petty and un-becoming of Seetha to hurl insinuating words at Lakshmana as above . The secret is She is under self-imposed compulsion to act so for the release of the Devas under siege by Ravana.
Ramayana is therefore the story of the benevolence of Seetha . iththAl siRai irundavaL EtRam solitRu.
It will be pertinent to note here that ''BhAgavath apacharam'' is more cruel than ''Bhagavath apacharam'' and the Lord deals with the offenders without respite as stated in Varaha Purana:
''padma kOti sathEnApi nakshamAmi VasundarA''. There are lot of instances where the Lord punishes indiscretely can be recounted in the case of Prahlada, Bheeshma and LokasAranga Muni.
Amudanar again in His Ramanuja Nootrandadi verse-26 ''ekutRa vALar ethu piRappu EthiyalvAga ninRor....'' reitrates the same in contrast. The episode connected with the loss of eye-sight to Koorathazhvan as put forth by him to Ramanuja after His return from exile to Karnataka, substantiate this beyond doubt.
Seetha persists in her harsh words, calling Lakshmana a foe in friendly guise. Lakshmana turning deaf ears to all the accusations desists from replying knowing fully well that all those issuing out of impulsive reasoning need no rebutal. He then leaves the scene broken hearted, praying the forest Deities to protect Seetha.
Lakshmana's approach is a guiding principle to all those in distress, not to act impulsively, as he tries to address the fear of Seetha rather than the anger issuing out of Her fear that Rama is in danger. This approach will solve many of the complexities people and characters at variance.
As soon as Lakshman left in pursuit of Rama, the ten headed Ravana approached Vaidehi in the guise of a Sanyasi Brahman. He who is hit by the arrows of Love-god, king of demons Ravana, acclaimed Seetha as Goddess Lakshmi and tells Her that She is unsuitable to live in the forest. Bound by the Dharma of athithi satkara, she invited him and started to raver him with all curtness as Her guest. She revealing all about Her on Her own, enquired for what reason he is wandering lonesomely in the forest.
Ravana reveals his identity and asks her to become his wife tempting Seetha with all impossible comforts and luxuries, if she obliges him and comes to Lanka, leaving Rama. She instantly dismisses all the luring, ridiculing his mis-adventure. Describing him as a fox pitted against a lion, a rivulet before the ocean, Seetha said he stands no match to Rama, the son of Dasaratha.
Ravana is one who can not relish others acclaim, as Seetha lets him know the virtues of Rama. ''IswarOham! Aham bhogi" impetuous in him coming to fore, he clearly informs Seetha his name, caste, competence, and capability. Discarding his Brahmin guise, Ravana turned in to ten-faced, twenty-armed demon causing Her fragile body tremble like a banana plant hit by a tempest.
Seetha's abduction takes place next. Ravana forcefully abducts Her in his flying-chariot. She appeals to all the nature around, the mountain, the plants and River Godhavari hoping to inform Rama about Her abduction. Jatayu, the eagle-King, comes to Her rescue but can not succeed. Seetha asks him to narrate her abduction to Rama in the end.

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