Friday, August 16, 2013

RamarpaNam -- 351 - 352.

Jai Sri Ram.
Rama grieves for Seetha's separation :
On killing Maarecha , he mimicked Rama's voice and only then Rama realised the trick played on Him. Getting doubtful of its intent He anxiously hurried himself to see Seetha. On His journey back to the hermitage, inauspicious omens like the crying of the jackal, quivering of His left eye, birds and animals unceremoniously going in circumambulations from right to left indicated imminent dangers to Seetha. Added to this Rama saw Lakshmana at a distance coming towards Him. Seetha is alone in the desolate forest and that the demons who have a grudge against Him might have kidnapped Her mostly, so thinking Rama sprinted back in haste.
Chiding him He asked Oh, Lakshmana "Vaidehi who is dearer to me will she be alive somehow! ?" You have certainly caused hardship to Her, leaving Seetha in isolation.
They both arrive at the hermitage and not finding Seetha they become dispirited. Rama goes round and checks all the places and to His dismay could not to find Her in the play room or pooja room or resting place or at the flower picking spot either.
O Lakshmana! My doubts have come true. What made you abandon Seetha when clearly instructed against that cause anguish or doubt in you, reproached Rama. Lakshmana reproduced what Seetha's words meant to him 'As to why he refrained to rush towards Rama even though he is yelling for life meaning that Bharata made some arrangements with him and for such reason only he is following Rama in exile. That he an adversary in disguise, desiring Seetha in mind have found an opportune moment and so is not rushing to Rama''.
When Vaidehi spoke thus, Lakshmana says he had to leave the place with lips trembling and head down. Rama still maintained that non compliance of His instructions to stand guard to Seetha either under duress or by fury amount to neglect of superiors command.
Searching for Seetha, Rama goes to every plant, trees and animals lamenting in separation. One may think that it does not befit Rama's stature as God-incarnation to cry or weep in grief for a woman. Even assuming Him to be an ordinary human, it does not suit His Kingsly valour.
In fact human or God-incarnation, to miss a woman like Seetha is painful, whose affinity and bondage is born out of no ordinary relation but a divine and sacred one. God bears relation with every Soul that of a Spouse and feels distressed for their hardships and towards Seetha it shall be nothing different. This is called para dhuka dhukithvam - a virtue and not a weakness.

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