Tuesday, August 13, 2013

RamarpaNam 348 -> 350.

Jai Sri Ram.
Agony of Rama and aloness of Seetha.
Seetha cautioned Ravana for thieving Her saying that he will not live long enacting this kind of misdeed to Rama. Vaidehi looking in dismay for some one who could rescue Her suddenly finds five Vanaras standing on a hill-top. Wrapping some of the auspicious ornaments in the upper-fringe of Her sari, dropped in the midst of those Vanaras, hoping that they will inform Rama. These ornaments are said to be nosering, earring, bracelet, biceps-vanki, one anklet with string of small bells. The other anklet fell down on the ground earlier, while being abducted.
The hill-top which Seetha saw is the Rishyamuka mountain where Sage Mathanga had his hermitage. The five Vanaras are Sughreeva, Hanuman and His companions. They are hiding in this place for fear of Vaali, Sughreeva's elder brother, who is prohibited to enter this place on account of a curse by Sage Mathanga.
Ravana flying past Pampa Saras, down beside the hill, advanced hastily facing Lanka city, crossing the pools, mountains, woodlands and waterways like an arrow shot out of its bow. The ocean below agitatedly flung its stretching hands to save Seetha but to no avail.
After all Seetha is His daughter, who was born to the milky ocean. Besides this River Cauveri is considered Her Mother and the Bay-of-Bengal whom she conflux on the eastern corridors, is Seetha's father too, as accounted by Parasara Bhattar, in His Rangaraja Stavam work.
The Rivers flowing east-ward into Bay of Bengal are called nadhi in Tamil, a feminine equivalent and those flowing west-ward are called nadhan, a masculine counter-part.
Transporting Seetha, Ravana's death personified, entered his city of Lanka. Leaving Seetha in the hands of female-demons ordered them to keep watch and ward in such a way that none would meet Seetha without his permission but pamper with whatever She wishes ultimately to tame Her yield to his desire.
Picking eight of his demons he then orders them to reach out to Janasthaana and bring accurate information about Rama and His elimination eventually.
Ravana returns to Seetha's presence and cajoles Her with all comforts and luxuries for which he is a King of Might such that She may be tempted on her own, lustily and asks Her to forget Rama, the one dethroned, a vagabond and short lived human who will perhaps survive only till eight of his men reach Janasthaana. While Ravana speak thus, Seetha buried Her face in the veils in anguish like the Moon with dwindled brilliance goes behind the clouds.
Dharmaththin vAzhvu thannai soodu kauvum, Dharumam maRupaTi vellum...so goes a saying. As per the same with the ripening of time Adharma will be vanquished eventually. Truth, Ritualistic sacrifice, Cleanliness and Compassion are the four pillars of Dharma. In ThrEtha Yug Dharma stands on three legs and by Kali Yug all the four will be missing for the Lord to turn the cycle of the four Yugs one more time by annihilating the unrighteous and adharmic.
Usurping Seetha in violation of Dharma tauntmounts to para Dara parigraham, a vice as such and keeping Her in house-arrest state will see the end of Ravana and his men in less time than his planning, execution and exaltation. Imprisoning Seetha in the midst of 600 female-demons in the otherwise beautiful Ashoka-vanika marks the beginning of the end of Ravana and the Demon folks.
Seetha , the Mother of the three worlds, though in anguish spoke boldly keeping a blade of grass in between Ravana and Herself, implying that what ever Ravana offered to lure Her are but trivial like the straw placed in between. There are several interpretations to this act of Seetha and the important one is that women other than to her husband do not chat without pulling a veil in between. Anyway she treated Ravana just as a worthless straw - is another viewpoint.
Seetha so doing conveys that ''being such a righteous king's daughter-in-law, I cannot bring blemish to my in-laws, or to their dynasty in surrendering to you... furthermore, my husband is the one from such a dynasty who never tolerates unrighteousness....such a husband's wife I am, how do you think that I on my own get estranged from such a godlike husband unrighteously? If he that Rama glances you with his angry eyes, you demon will be completely burnt down as Lord Shiva burnt down Manmatha, the Love-God.''
Castigating Ravana, She further said that Ravana can only if possible reach out to the inertial body of Hers' but not Her Soul nor the soulful love of a devout wife that are ever Ramas'.
On hearing Seetha's vehement reprimanding, Ravana sets a period of twelve months time for Her to near him in relation. Seetha like a she-deer caught in the ambush of streak of tigers undergoes untold miseries of cruel words and deeds by 600 female-demons of scary sight and appearance, and again like a she-elephant is caught to tame for domesticating it.

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