Saturday, August 10, 2013

RamarpaNam - 343 -> 347

Jai Sri Ram.
Jataayu rivals Ravana :
Hearing the pleadings of Seetha, Jataayu wakes up from his sleep and finds seetha being abducted by Ravana. Declaring that he can not allow such thing to happen desists Ravana first by words and then fights him out to prevent Her abduction.
He denounced Ravana saying that a righteous King who has the duty to protect women can not himself lay hands on others wife, especially Rama's wife, a Rajamahishi. Rama is not an intruder or a transgressor nor did He do any wrong either, except killing of Khara and Dhushana, which again ensued following Suurpanaka's attempt to eliminate Seetha to marry Rama.
Ravana is the son of Vishravasa who again is the son of Pulastya, the brainchild of Brahma, and is supposed to be well-versed in scriptures. So he should desist all the more from usurping Seetha. So saying Jataayu asks him to stay for a moment if valiant enough to fight Rama, who will return straight away to deliver the fate Khara and others tasted.
Attempting to stall Ravana till Rama returns, Jataayu severely attacks him with his two stretched claws, making deep wound and cuts on his body. Infuriated Ravana shot several arrows but Jataayu shattered Ravana's bow , lunging forward and defeating his aim. Dis-armoured Ravana, lost his horse and charioteer. Picking up Seetha by hair, he jumped off the crippled chariot and started carrying off Seetha in air, as the bird was gasping for breath in exhaustion. Weapon ed only with claws, wings, and beak, Jataayu pulled him from the back of Ravana. Ravana hit back with one hand and clinging Seetha in the other. At the end throwing off Seetha, Ravana using his sword, chandrahasa clipped off the wings, sides and feet and Jataayu fell down almost done to death.
Seeing the fallen Jataayu, Seetha wept as if a near relative is lost, who in fact is a long standing friend of King Dasaratha and a well wisher during the days of their safe stay in Panchavati.
Thaaketh is the mukthi-stal of Jataayu, situate near Nasik - Panchavati in Maharastra state.
Ravana wresting Seetha, took flight sky-ward. As Seetha wailed Rama...Rama and Lakshmana..., Lord Brahma thought that ''their job is done''. The Dhantaka forest dwellers - Rishis - thought Ravana's end is chancing without doubt in the near future.
The flowers, the armlets, anklets, gems that adorned Seeth, fell one after another strewn on earth like the splashing waters of Ganga through Her journey from the sky. Seetha's melancholic mood set itself in Nature. The fishes in lakes down below wept. The animals gathered in herds around the shadow of Seetha that fell on earth. The mountains shed tears with water-falls actively doing the act. Unable to appreciate Ravana's misdemeanour, the Sun-God went behind the clouds.
Seetha deploring Ravana for abducting Her, a lonely women that too other man's wife, scorns as lamentable and will bring disrepute to his clan as a whole. That his endeavour to be Her husband is totally absurd and behoves his dooms day. In this way She poured forth her ire at Ravana.
The pleadings of Seetha to River Godhavari when being carried by Ravana, went un-heeded. Despite being far away from Lanka, the abode of Ravana She goes silent when Rama returns looking for Seetha, thus losing a golden opportunity to be of Service to God and His devout woman.
River Yamuna on the contrary and despite Her flowing at the back-yard of Kamsa's Palace, did help Sri Vasudeva cross the banks and safely reach Sri Krishna to Nanda Gaoun, by lowering the tide knee deep.
Sri Andal in Her Thiruppavai verse 5 adores Her as ''thooya peru neer Yamunai''. This purity is denied to Godhavari until Swami Desikar comes to Her rescue saying that She attained the same cleanliness by being called after and bearing the name of Godha Devi, a stanch devotee of the Lord.

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