Wednesday, September 25, 2013

RamarpaNam 357->359.

Jai Sri Ram.
From anguish to despair :
Rama going in search of Seetha, finds flowers, some footprints and ruins of possible combat between two, suggesting that Seetha is for sure abducted by demons and His anguish turnes to despair and wants to turn the universe Topsy turfy, by waging a war with gods.
Like the forest creatures which were silent, River Godavari which is being asked fail to inform Rama about Seetha, she perhaps fearing Ravana's wrath, continued her journey, unsure of the direction Seetha would have gone.
Rama regretfully said merits like mercifullness, magnanimity and the like are inverted to become demerits. If the gods are not going to safely restore Seetha, oh, Soumitri, they can see what my prowess are, at this very moment, He yelled.
Lakshmana seeing Rama blazing like an inferno waiting to render the three worlds into non-entity, he with palms folded pleads for return of self-disposition appropriate to Rama Himself. Rather, it will be inapt to wish for wrecking all the worlds for an individuals wrong doing without undertaking a search of the oceans, rivers and forests, and the worlds of gods and celestial as far as required to apprehend the abductor of Seetha.
The story of Nahusha is quoted here obviously suggesting Rama that He may be God Supreme... but that will be in His world... not on earth...While on earth one has to behave like an earthling... and wrecking the system from within is meaningless... and should show obedience to the system housed in.
Yayaati attained heaven after performing many Vedic-rituals. But when Indra asked Yayaati 'who is the best personality in your kingdom?' Yayaati, as a straightforward person replied 'I am the best in my kingdom...' Then Indra said 'Self-eulogy have no place in heaven and hence you return to mortal worlds.' So saying He dislodged him from heaven.
Thus Yayaati met with a missed-chance. In one more instance Nahusha made the Seven Sages, palanquin bearers and hastened them saying sarpa, sarpa... which word meant 'move fast, move fast...' besides its general meaning 'serpent...' Sage Agastya who was one among the seven palanquin bearers, cursed Nahusha, 'be like that...' i.e., 'become a serpent...' taking the general meaning of that word. Then Nahusha, though a renowned personality, met the fate of being a big serpent.
So also Vashishta's 100 children were done to death by Vishvamitra for which Vashishta also lamented, but not for a long. Whether Vaidehi is stolen or slain, it will be inapt to sadden like this as with any other commoner without tracking her whereabouts.
Without performing any action, fruits of course will be nonexistent however uncertain the rights and wrongs of any action and how so ever incognito the fruits of such actions. So count on your valour and annihilate the abuser, lest he will abuse many.
--Lakshmana Gita to Rama, the disillusioned.
இது சேதனன் பரமசேதனுக்குச் சொல்லும் ''மாஸுச:''

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