Monday, June 17, 2013


Jai Sri Ram.

Rama meets sage Agastya.

Rama journeyed on the path indicated by sage SuteekshNa viewing the forest trees, plants and creepers bent and bowing under the weight of the varied flowers and fruits borne by them. Their sweet smelling fragrance suddenly come closer and the hermitage of Agastya's brother is nearby, as the smoke from the ritual fire clearly becoming visible.

It is important here to note that Sage Valmiki instead of giving his actual name Sudarshana, calls by his relation as' brother of Agastya' very much similar to AndaL Nachiyar mentioning her lady friend as 'maamaan magaL' ( in Thiruppavai-9).

Sri Vaishnavas in particular attach less importance to Gotra, Sutra, Pravaram and wish to be identified as 'Ramanuja sambandhi' and accordingly add 'Ramanuja Dasan' to their DAsya nAmam.

Sage Agastya is counted one among the 'sapta Rishis' and is great in many ways. He has several names. Agastya here means :

Aga+stha = Mountain+stopper (one who stopped mountain Vindya from growing). The story is that once the Vindya mountain was constantly raising heaven-wards obstructing the movement of Sun and Moon. This disrupted the day and night cycle. Agastya, by then living in the northern hemisphere wanted to move south to Podhigai range and hence made a request to the Vindya mountains to oblige  bending for his cross over.  Asking it to remain so till he returns, which he never did, stopped further growing of the Mount.

He is also known as' Kumbha sambhava', with reference to a story connected with Mitra, VaruNa and Vasishta. His origin is traceable to Surya->Kasyapa->Mreechi->Brahma, the creator ultimate.

The other story is about Kaala-Keya demon who trying to escape Indra's wrath went hiding in the ocean deep whereof Agastya helped Indra catch him, by drinking all the water.

One more story connected with Agastya is that King Nugusha once riding in a palanquin hurried the pole bearers, who happened to be the seven sages. He uttered the words 'sarppa' 'sarppa' to hasten them. Irritate Agastya cursed him to become  sarpam and the king fell on the ground taking snake-form. He pleaded mercy but was advised to wait for the Pandavas to go his way such that the 'pAda-rajani' - dust from their feet - will cause return of original form to him.

His wife Lopamudra, the daughter of Kavera-Raja, is held in the form of water in his 'kamandalu' or water-jug. Tri-murtys coming in the form of crows spilled this water, giving birth to river Cauveri, the Ganges of the southern plateau.

Agastya is also considered the protagonist of early Tamil literature. His work on Tamil grammar known as  'Agaththiyam' is lost in the race of time but the one authored by his disciple in the name of   'TholkAppiyam' belonging to 1st Sangam period is available even today.

Last but not the least is his bringing to an end the cruel tricks of the demons Ilvalan and VathApi. The two will invite Brahmins in the guise of feeding them in the ceremony for the spirit of the deceased. Ilvala used to make his brother Vathapi into a male sheep and cook it's meat as food and serve the same to the Brahmin invited. Then Ilvala will shout asking Vathapi to come out. Then Vathapi will come out of the stomach of the Brahmin bleating like a ram, there after the two would feast on the fresh flesh of the Brahmin happily. They have killed 1000s of Brahmins this way together.

To end the cruelty meted out to the Brahmins, sage Agastiya, at the request of the gods agreed to take the call for feasting and as usual Vathapi was served as food. Before Ilvala shouted his return, Agastiya caressing his belly prayed ' Vathapi jeerNo bhava'. With their trick back firing, causing the loss of his brother, Ilvala too perished attempting to take revenge got burnt in the angry look by the sage. Thus Agastya saved the Brahmins there and made the region livable for all of them.

Here is the hermitage of sage Agastya, the province where the demons do not enter. Rama deciding to make a living there asked LakshmaNa, to go and seek the sage's permission to meet him, He and Seetha waited outside for an audience.

He is the emperor and the Lord of this universe. Yet Rama stood out side the ashram looking for invitation, as always an outsider needs permission to enter the 'hall of homa', which 'maryada Purushotam' Ram adheres not to flout.

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