Monday, June 17, 2013


Jai Sri Ram.

Rama enriches His Princely Knowledge clouting the company of all sages:

Traversing long way the criss-crossed rivers, Rama Seetha and LakshmaNa arrive at the ashram of sage SuteekshNa along with many other  sages who gathered enroute to see them. Welcoming them he embraced Rama and offered all the worlds he won by his ascetics. Rama in reply said that He can win all the worlds by Himself instead needed a place of his intent to dwell. Pleased with that the sage offered that Rama can stay in his own Hermitage as fruits and roots are plenty there although the wild animals make a visit to scare all but never would kill any one.

On hearing these words LakshmaNa readied his bow and arrow to exterminate them all prompted by his protective duty and Rama intervened to express His desire to stay away from their place in keeping with the policy of ahimsa even to the wild animals.

With twilight proroguing nightfall, Rama paused to perform the evening ablutions and the sage serving dinner, all the three stayed there in his ashram for the night.

An inquisitive mind may ask whether Rama did all the rituals of 'Bhagavat aaradanam' of waking, bathing, dressing, serving food etc. to His deity or not before His own feeding. If so what Deity and how He carried the paraphernalia from place to place as He journeyed the forest terrain would also occur to us.

The answer is He may or may not have performed these physically but certainly a possibility that He did them mentally, as the Yuga-dharma necessitate all actions by mind or by meditation. Reining the mind un like in TrEta-yuga is difficult in Kali-yuga and hence 'Bhagavat-aaradhana' takes the 'kAyika' form in this yuga.

In the morning after completing the morning sacrificial offerings to Gods, the trio-Rama, LakshmaNa and Seetha approached sage SuteekashaNa and sought permission for them to leave and visit many more sages of merit in Dantaka.

Permitting them as they wished the sage requested them to visit him again after going and meeting all the other sages and also cautioned them to be vigilant of the demons in the vicinity.

Rama interested in learning all the dharmas from as many as would be required and in as many varied ways to make a complete Ruler of Himself, swiftly set out on His way to the Hermits living around Dantaka forest.

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