Monday, June 17, 2013


Jai Sri Ram.

Rama's fitting response to Seetha.

Sri Rama with subdued egotism acknowledged Seetha's fond and friendly dispositions with decent as to why He can not rest the bow. One that He is duty bound to mitigate the sufferings of the sages who sought refuge in Him.

Secondly, the assaulted sages though are capable of punishing the demons dwelling in the Dantaka forest by themselves but are unwilling to exhaust the merit of their asceticism for  frivolous cause.

Having promised thus Rama said He will live for the truth of it, which is so dear to Him and that He would forsake Seetha and if need be LakshmaNa too but would never go back on His promise made to Brahmins, especially.

Meriting Her words of caution as appropriate to Her blood-line and as co-pursuer in dharma, Rama entered the forest, followed by Seetha and LakshmaNa as though the syllables 'ah', 'vu' and 'ma' of "praNavam" took to walking down the woods.

Here 'ah' stands for Paramatma - the protector, father and recipient of all services, 'vu' for Goddess Lakshmi-the mender and the mediator & 'ma' for Jeevatma - the know-er, the owned and the enjoyed.

They entered the forest watching the mountainous terrains and rivers with all the birds, animals, flora and fauna teaming with diversity.

On going their way they saw a fascinating lake overloaded with flowers and birds flocking around. Saint Maandakarani practicing asceticism on its banks was a threat to Gods, who tricked him sending five Apsara girls, in whose dance and amusements the saint lost his saintly ways and settled down marrying them all.

Rama spent a large part of His balance years in the company of the sages living in clusters, say 10 months, 1 year, 4,5,6,3,8 months each with many of them, there by fleeting 10 long years . He returned to sage SuteekshNa desiring to meet sage Agastya and seeking the route to his ashram.

Sage SuteekshaNa gave the route in every detail from direction to mileage with precision to reach the ashram of Agastya's brother, who would guide Rama further on His journey to the Agastya's place.

Despite Rama being knowledgeable as student of Vasishta and Vishvamitra, He  had the insatiable urge to meet many sages obviously for their blessings as well as teachings.

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