Wednesday, July 24, 2013

RamarpaNam 328 ->332

Jai Sri Ram.
Maareecha's advise to Raavana :
Lord Vishnu in the company of Goddess Lakshmi protects us all and the saying ''kaakum iyalbinan Kannan'' confirms this. For this purpose perhaps She resides with out let up ever in His bosom. He again acknowledgingly does His job of protection in terms of what Her sight signifies. Maareecha advises this aspect in particular to Ravana. How he mustered his courage to speak up to Ravana is no surprise because to speak the truth one needs no courage.
All the good qualities of Rama retracted in bad taste to Ravana. With perverted jealous, Ravana advised Maareecha that Rama will meet His end without Seetha and that is the best way to wreck vengeance on Him.
On hearing Ravana speak thus, Maareecha felt as if dead. His eyes stopped winking. His tongue dried up and started trembling with fear gripping the bone. But he mustered strength to advise Ravana to stay away from Rama eliciting his own unpleasant experience with Rama's arrow when he was in Tataka forest. Speaking in a low and gentle voice Maareecha said what meant survival to both of them. There usually will be many to speak what is pleasing but not necessarily true some. Though bitter, he wished Ravana should listen to people who speak the truth to him. Either the spy who work for Ravana have failed in their duty or Ravana coveted by lust relent to see truth in what they bring.
Maareecha thus portraying the appalling picture of Rama to Ravana, asks him not to meddle with Him unwanted trying to abduct Seetha.. He adviced that relationship with other's wives is a great sin.
He recalled how Rama hurt him while safeguarding Vishwamitra's Yajna, even as a young lad. Confrontation with Rama in other words would ruin the entire race of demons. On another occasion when trying to misbehave in the vicinity of Dhantaka forest, Rama struck three arrows at him but some how escaped near death from the all-pursuant arrows, he said.
Ravana frowned at Maareecha for giving un-solicited advices and sticks to his plan to abduct Seetha and threatens to kill Maareecha if his orders are disobeyed.. In every utterance, Maareecha repeats that not only Ravana but the entire demonic race is going to end due to the callous act of Ravana.
Interestingly though Maareecha a demon speaks eloquently the truth about Rama, more than a learnt Sage would do as also how a just King should conduct a sovereign state.
Ravana is un-heeding to these advises, just like a man taking apathy towards medicine in his dying days. Maareecha then decides to be felled by the arrow of Rama, an enemy than to be killed by Ravana, the wicked.
''Ramo vigrahavAn Dharma:'' He the personification of Dharma itself. Lord Krishna speaks the purpose of His incarnation as to institute Dharma - that's Himself. He is ''siddha Dharma'' as revealed by Sri Andal in Her Thiruppavai PAsuram : ''Undhannai piRavi peRum thanai puNNiyam yAm udaiyOm'' . ''piNNiyam'' here means Lord Krishna Himself.
''appramEyamhi Tat teja: yasyaSa JanakAtmajah'' Here ''prama'' means bhuddhi or intellect. appramEyam means uncomprehending to human intellect. When courted with Seetha, Rama is unassailable and Seetha like fire unreachable.

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