Saturday, July 20, 2013

RamarpaNam -- 322->327.

Jai Sri Ram.
Ravana's evil design to abduct Seetha.
Rama rescued the sages at Janasthaana, punishing the wicket. Like a mother who would rejoice the heroics of her husband in protecting their children, over joyed Seetha rewarded Rama with a great hug in appreciation of His act of protecting the Sages. This helped Rama heal His wounds.
Perhaps, Rukmini is not aware of this technique to help Krishna heal the fissures caused by Bheeshma in the war of Kurukshetra. He is sporting scars caused by Bheeshma's missiles all over His face, as standing testimony to His 'soulabya' - Visit Chennai Thiruvallikeni Temple to see the spotted faced Parthasarathy, as seeing is believing.
A spy of Ravana named Akampana dash forward to break the news of extinction of Janasthaana by Rama. Ravana fumes saying, he will to go to Janasthaana to kill Rama along with Lakshmana. Akampana suggests Ravana to abduct Seetha. Because it is impossible to conquer Rama in war, either singly or along with the hosts of the demon-supporters of Ravana. In fact one heaven cannot be won by many sinners. Parting with Seetha will cause grief to Rama and thereby he will die. After thinking for a while, Ravana goes to Mareecha seeking his help in abducting Seetha.
On going to the hermitage of Maareecha which is at a distant place Maareecha the son of Tataka received Ravana and honoured the king of demons. Revealing the purpose of his visit Ravana requests Maareecha to render friendly help in kidnapping Rama's wife. Mareecha while explaining Rama's capabilities advises Ravana to be content with what he has. The ten faced Ravana returns to his city Lanka ruled by him.
Shuurpanakha then approaches that Ravana who is seated in the midst of his ministers, like Indra sitting in the company of Wind-Gods, like moon in the midst of Stars and the Sun shining in the vicinity of other Planets, to inform of her fate at the hands of Lakshmana.
''chandra kaanthaananam Ramam atheeva priya darsanam
Roopa, audaarya gunaihi pumsaam drushti chitaabahaariNam.''
--His shapely body, His benevolent quality or attributes will bewitch even a male for that matter.
''kandavar tham manam vazhangum KannapuraththamAn'' -- so confirms Thirumangai Azhvar.
The Lord wins over the senses and thought of varied people differently. VibheeshaNa by His down to earth good conduct - souseelyam. RavaNa by His valour - veeram. Shuurpanakha by His charm - soundaryam. RavaNa fell aspiring for Seetha discarding Rama. Shuurpanakha got dis-figured aspiring for Rama discarding Seetha. On the contrary VibheeshaNa accomplished embracing both. oru mithunamE namakku uththesyam.
The importance of Idol worship is solemn in that even the hard core nAstik would love to have repeat of darshan he experiences once.
''ippAl kai vaLaiyum mEgalaiyum kAnEn
kandEn ganamakara kAdum nAngu thoLum''
--In deed once engrossed in Him deeply, the self is forsaken.
Shuurpanakha spoke scornful words to Ravana for neglect of his Kingly activities, by which his kingdom is going to face calamities, as though forewarning the situation. The harsh words include her drawing a comparison of Ravana's valour to the un-holy fire in the funeral pyre. His spies'' laxity and his lustful gratifications continues un-checked as ever. While Rama giving security to the sages, has rendered Dandaka forest safe for them. It shows that a King not on guard will be over thrown.
In this way Shuurpanakha's digging at Ravana infuriated him and queried Who is Rama? He dares to come inside the fortress of a lion and shake by its hair around-the neck? Does he sports vajrAyuda of Indra or shoola of Shiva or chakra of VishNu? What is the weapon with which these many demons are killed in war by Rama? He paired questions one after another and asked who dis-figured her cutting the ears and nose? for which Shuurpanakha narrates about Rama, Seetha, and Lakshmana and what has happened in Janasthaana.
Broad shoulders. Wide and blossomed eyes. Antelope skin and tree bark attire. He is similar to Love-God Cupid or Manmatha. His name is Rama, son of Dasaratha. Kara and DhooshaNa fell for the arrows that strikes like fire balls. Should I regret the ear and nose severed of me or bother for the fall of the mighty army of 14000 at your back yard or caution you of the calamity that awaits you, she posed to Ravana.
Ravana asked how could she escape then and stand before him, for which she replied saying Rama stands for Dharma. He shuns from killing women. He is not alone. He has a brother, one more spirit out side His person. He is fair complexioned like ruby in contrast to the dark complexion of Rama. His darkness however, comes from His compassion at the heart. His wife Seetha stands by His side in Dharma. Her flowing hair, broad eyes, moon like face, conch like neck, bamboo-shoot like fore-arms, lotus eyed in all is comparable to Goddess Laxmi Herself. As long as She is besides Rama, it will be impossible for you-Ravana to score victory over Rama, she hastened.
Thus prompting Ravana to achieve Seetha as his wife, she attempts to avenge the personal injury to her and the loss of Kara and Dhooshana, their half-brothers. Ravana taking leave of Ministers, boarded his gold gritted chariot, which can reach the place at a time and location of his wish. Born of Pulastiya clan and He who is the brother of Kubera, the wealth-God, proceeded to Maareecha seeking his help in the abduction of Seetha. On-board his aircraft-like chariot he sees many a location along the coast-line many a mountains, rivulet like water-channels, trees, plants that are affluent and divine. On seeing a banyan tree Ravana recounts the episode of Garuda, the Godly-eagle. This place is sacred in that Viganasa, Maasha-Mareechi, DhoomrAshtra sages are engaged in penance under the tree named 'Subhadram''. Ravana arrives at the hermitage of Maareecha situate in such serene atmosphere, far away from his Kingdom.
Ravana then seeks Maareecha's help to abduct Seetha. He asks Maareecha to assume the shape of a golden-deer and lure Seetha such that Rama and Lakshmana in pursuit of the golden-deer be distanced and that he will safely abduct Seetha.
Ravana justifies his act calling : Rama, the mean among Kshatriyas. Aseela: - is wanting in good conduct. Rugged, Un-compassionate and Self-mongering sensualist who knows no Dharma. He is the one who can not put up with others goodness. His name is Rama, He who disgraced Shuurpanakha and slaughtered Taataka should be discredited usurping His wife, blabbered Ravana.
Listening to this Maareecha's heart sank in dismay being aware of Rama's valour, experienced chillness of death all over that is again because he is already struck with the arrow of Rama when he was in Tataka forest. As such, Maareecha tries to explain with folded hands to Ravana about Rama's greatness and the history of His magnificence.
Though Ravana is noble by birth, by deed acts low like a commoner. So we may conclude that the deeds proveth the Rank than one's birth, high or mean.

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